Import all necessary libraries: #include <bits/stdc++.h>

STL(standard template library) components:


LIFO(Last in first out) (pancake).

The functions associated with stack are:

Function Name Description Time Complexity
empty() Returns whether the stack is empty O(1)
size() Returns the size of the stack. O(1)
top() Returns a reference to the topmost element of the stack O(1)
push(g) Adds the element ‘g’ at the top of the stack O(1)
pop() Deletes the most recent entered element of the stack O(1)

swap(): This function is used to swap the contents of one stack with another stack of the same type, but the size may vary. Syntax :


Time Complexity : O(1)


FIFO (first in, first out).

Function Name Description Time Complexity
queue::empty() Returns whether the queue is empty. It returns true if the queue is empty otherwise returns false. O(1)
queue::size() Returns the size of the queue. O(1)
queue::swap() Exchange the contents of two queues but the queues must be of the same data type, although sizes may differ. O(1)
queue::emplace() Insert a new element into the queue container, and the new element is added to the end of the queue. O(1)
queue::front() Returns a reference to the first element of the queue. O(1)
queue::back() Returns a reference to the last element of the queue. O(1)
queue::push(g) Adds the element ‘g’ at the end of the queue. O(1)
queue::pop() Deletes the first element of the queue. O(1)

Heap (priority queue):

make_heap(): This is used to convert a container of values, such as vectors, into heaps (max heap unless we provide a comparator function to turn it into a min-heap).

front() returns the maximum element of the heap.

vector<int> v;
make_heap(v.begin(), v.end());

to create min heap with make_heap()

struct greaters{
	bool operator()(const long& a,const long& b) const{
	    return a>b;

make_heap(v.begin(),v.end(), greaters());